Passionate Creator-Your Daily Dose Of Happiness And Inspiration.

The Exquisite Gem

Woman of god, A proud Mom of 2 Amazing Children, Blogger, Make up artist (mua), artisan, Digital Content Creator, Brand Developer, Website Developer, Software Developer, writer and healer.

I am an advocate of peace, solitude and celibacy.

If you would like for me to pray for you. please send me your prayer request through the contact me section.

Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet! This is where I’ll be sharing the invaluable gems of wisdom that can help you become the best, most authentic version of yourself. I adore writing about my life experiences, my business ventures, my hobbies, delving into the intriguing world of philosophy, psychology, and of course, the heartwarming tales of my little family. It’s all here… and more, a kaleidoscope of insights and experiences to guide you on your own life’s path. Embrace and enjoy the simple yet beautiful and meaningful things in life. Let us embark on this enlightening journey together!

-The Exquisite Gem

My mantra

My Mission

My Vision

My Values

Let me take the time out to thank God

For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. ~Psalm 8:5

Thank you God for blessing me abundantly.

My Owned Brands Websites

i. Disclaimer con (please beware).

Please do not get scammed by bird brain scammers pretending to be me. If you are purchasing from me the payment should always be through my website for each respected niche. If someone is using my pictures or is pretending to own my brands. Please send me all of the information. So that immediate action can be taken.

ii. Disclaimer pro (if you really need a WEBSITE)

ii. If you love our design styles but pricing is currently out of your price range at the moment. Still reach out to us so that we can negotiate a budget and/or a payment plan for you. We know how it feels to want to get started but feel stuck due to financial resources. Let nothing stop you from pursuing your dreams. We will find a way to help you become successful no matter what your budget range is.

Always remember to check our promos and coupons section to see if they are any deals there you can take advantage of. Please bear in mind that we have limited spots for the name your price offer. These websites are for those who truly can’t afford our prices but really need a website. Please be reasonable with the budget you approach us with.

Also remember you are responsible for Purchasing your own hosting. You can purchase it here or from our other recommended hosting providers

Affiliated niches

To keep things organized I have categorized each of my websites under their respected niche. Niche means the category or sector each website falls under or is associated with.


“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.” ~ Madam C.J. Walker


“We can’t control all the variables in our lives. It’s about what we do with opportunities revoked or presented to us that determine how a story ends.” ~ David Goggins


“The harder you work, the luckier you get’’ ~ Mike Adenuga


“Success is not an accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing.” ~ Pelé

Self Help & elevating your mindset

“We need to internalize this idea of excellence. Not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent.” ~ Barack Obama

Fitness & Motivation

“Discipline is not a dirty word. There is far more freedom and opportunity for creativity and success in enjoying discipline. Years ago someone I very much respect told me the reason they were successful is that they embraced doing what other people resent or are reluctant to do.” ~ Janice Bryant Howroyd

Psychology & philosophy

“The greatest glory in living lies not in falling, but in rising every time we fall.” ~ Nelson Mandela


“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” ~ Maya Angelou.

Home & garden

“I would rather my house be beautiful than to have flashy things. A beautiful home is like heaven on earth.”~ My mom and grandma 🕊🤍🕊


“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ~ Shirley Chisholm

Helpful Resources

“Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew.” ~ Cicely Tyson


“The only thing that is impossible is the thing you don’t believe you can do.” ~ Muhammad Ali

I have archived the websites on subdomains. They will be back soon after I have fully developed and transferred them to their rightful domains.

Love me or the content I create and want to send me tips to show your support.

You can send them through the links below.
80- 100% of whatever I receive through profits or donations will be donated back to kids, the elderly and single mothers in need. If you attach a note that the money you sent is for charity. then 100% will be given to those in need.

You don’t even have to donate monetary resources. Just by you visiting my websites is enough because it will improve our statistics on our websites. Even though All love received from my supporters are greatly appreciated.

I would rather you give back to those in your local area that needs assistance. Always remember to treat them with kindness and consideration because we are all human beings. Help others Whether it is through your words, action, time or resources.


It is when we look inward that we are able to change our outcome.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. ~ Psalm 23:1

Remember to walk in your divine earth angelic energy everyday.

Daily Affirmation

I already embody what I need to transform my life.

Upcoming Books

My Portfolio

Below You Can Find A Gallery Of My Creations. If You Would Like To Work With Me You Can Always Contact Me.

Click Here To Purchase Your Pre-made Website From Artmetris Cloud

Affiliated Faves

Affiliate Discloser: Hey gems when you purchase through links on any of our websites, we may earn an affiliate commission. Thank you in advance for the support. ~🤍 The Exquisite Gem♦️.


Other Recommended Brands

about me

I’m a passionate creator dedicated to crafting high-quality, unique creations that distinguish your brand in its industry. Every brand or business I collaborate with receives top-tier and affordable results. Web design is my forte, and I proudly own over 50 brands. Some of which aren’t listed here.

Why do I have so much websites? The main reason is I love wesite designing. Second reason is my brain is hyperactive and creating instantly improves my mental health. If I don’t create and keep my business ideas inside my head. I start to get confused. So I have to constantly keep creating to have a balanced mind. I can’t create on one topic either because I get bored easily 😄.

My brands mainly focuses on improving your self in every aspect of your life. Whether it is in health, wealth, personality, fitness or relationships. One or more of my brands has you covered. My purpose is to change the world by sharing my knowledge and experiences to help the next person elevate themselves.

My entrepreneurial journey began at the age of 15. When I started my very first business, selling handmade hairbows during my high school years. Which stemmed from my love of beauty, arts and fashion. Over the past 11 years, I’ve accumulated not just business knowledge but also invaluable hands-on experience.

For more than eight years, I immersed myself in the world of learning brand design and development, eventually launching my first brand design business in 2015. However, it took me until 2017 to create a social media presence for my business due to what I call “analysis paralysis” and not so perfect mediocre designs.

Even then, I faced challenges with consistency, and I’ve learned the hard way that consistency is the golden rule in any business venture. Had I adhered to this, I might have become one of the biggest brands in my sector.Here’s a little gem of advice: never stop promoting your business. When you do, you’re essentially self-sabotaging your own growth. Always remember, dream big, even if you’re a small business – don’t confine your thoughts to a small-scale mindset.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I’m also a proud mother to two wonderful children who will one day inherit the family business and continue the legacy of providing top-notch brand development services to businesses.

Software And Website Developer

Developing unique top teir templates, premade website and custom made wedsite design.

Content Creator

Creating high-quality monetization-ready content.


Creating blogs that spread inspiration and knowledge.

Brand Developer, Consultant, Blogger, Content Creator, Software and Website Developer.

The Exquisite Gem has expertise that she uses to spread knowledge and awareness in each of their specific niches. The Exquisite Gem is a outstanding content creator with a life purpose of uplifting others through her indept knowledge of creating a unique and sustainable brands and businesses. That will not only elevate the financial state of the present owner but also enable them to build generational wealth.

For brand collaborations, website development and content creation request. Please contact me below.

Meet The Owner

The Exquisite Gem

The Exquisite Gem is a 26 year old passionate creator who is a philosophical philanthropist. She was born in May on a beautiful sunny Wednesday morning. Her mom described her as a baby with a little beautiful face, big beautiful eyes and the cutest little gummy grin (she called me gummy bear). She finds humor in every situation and doesn’t take life too seriously because after all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Her favorite color is gold and rose gold. Her favorite numbers are 15, 6, and 5. She enjoys foods that are either sweet, spicy or well seasoned, just like her. Her favorite dish is fresh pepper shrimp, drenched in pepper so hot that her fingers and mouth are on fire, and her eyes and nose are running water.

This hazardous concoction should be served with well-salted fry breadfruit, grapes, chocolate/caramel/cake, or anything sweet and savory on the side, along with a bottle of rum cream. If you want to make it fancy, add jerk sausages or thick slices of pepperoni, or both, covered in mozzarella to the dish. Feed her this, and she will love you forever 🥰. To learn more about me click the link below.

The Exquisite Gem Content Creation

A behind the scenes look at completed and semi completed projects.

Gem’s Photography

A visual memomemorabilia.

Visit our affiliated websites and recommend providers.

Only the website listed on the page below is the website we are affiliated with.

Upcoming Projects

View my upcoming projects such as courses, templates and a behind the scenes look at new businesses and the process behind building them.

Impactful Passionate Creator

Changing the world for the better is my purpose.

Gem wants to make a positive powerful impact on others. using her gifts and blessings God has bestowed upon her.

I enjoy sharing knowledge, teaching others how to elevate themselves and others by showing them how to utilize the resources they already have to change their lives for the better.

From each of my websites at least 50% my income will go to kids in need, single mothers, the homeless and anyone else that I can help. I suggest you give back as well starting with your local area, give to the homeless, kids, your neighbors, family and friends in need.

Also you know what’s better than donating money. Donating time, become a mentor, help to renovate an elderly person’s home- for free, feed hungry animals, take care of kids in your neighborhood, teach someone a new skill.

Just help out and give back without expectating anything in return. Help out as much as you can, not just on the holidays.

Remember to give back to those in need.

  • Red Cross
  • Mustard seed communities
  • Food for the poor
  • Salvation Army
  • World Food Programme
  • Charities that help children
  • Charities that help women
  • Charities that help the sick
  • Charities that help the impoverished
  • Charities that help the homeless
  • Charities that help animals
  • Friends and family in need
  • Strangers in need
  • Stray animals

These are just some of the ways that I give back. I would list all the charities you can donate to here but it would be an infinite list. Remember to research and visit your local charities. Give back because we are all humans and we need a helping hand sometimes.

Cognitive Content Gems

Below you can find my blog with all types of informative gems about becoming your best self.